flame-retardant equipment


In the field of fire protection, it is important that not only the used “visible” materials are made of flame-retardant material. The often invisible ” auxiliary materials ” must also satisfy the fire protection regulations. Safety is the top priority here! 



Fire protection also for the equipment: to ensure that nobody has to be rescued out of your window. Image by zhong chen from Pixabay.



Therefore we will extend our offer and our information in the next weeks also on the range “hardly inflammable equipment”.


At the moment you can find here our flame-retardant adhesive tapes:

The MEZ-Alu-Adhesive Tape – ultra thin, very high adhesive and shear forces and NOT FLAMMABLE

The Gaffa AT 200 adhesive tape – THE flame-retardant adhesive tape for stages, trade fairs and e.g. cruise liners


At this point we refer you once again to our page: What are you looking for? What do you need for your production? 

Please help us and yourself: Please let us know what you have been looking for and what would make you happy.


Here you can get back to the overview materials.