Compliance with fire safety standards
Strict regulations apply in all public buildings open to the public in order to exclude fire hazards as far as possible or to minimise damage, particularly to life and limb, in the event of a fire.
These provisions are therefore aimed in particular at protecting the people who are in these buildings.
Ultimately, what it’s about: The worse the flammability and combustibility of the materials used, the more time it is for people to be able to save themselves in the event of a fire.
The matter as a whole can be quite difficult, both legally and technically. You can read here how complicated the world of fire protection is and what you have to pay attention to.
At this point, we would like to briefly introduce you to only the most important standards, with which also strict requirements of the fire police can be met.
In Germany, building materials of all kinds are divided into two building material or combustibility classes according to their combustibility or fire behaviour according to the (still) valid DIN 4102 Part 1 (colloquially also often referred to as fire classes).
Class A- divided into A2 and A1– generally non-combustible materials (such as sand)
Class B- the flammable materials. Under B3 the highly flammable ones are listed, under B2 the normally flammable (for example wood), under B1 the flame retardant or self-extinguishing.
- The most important standard in Germany is the DIN 4102 B1.
- The M1 standard in force in France essentially corresponds to this standard or even exceeds it: M1 materials even tend towards “non-flammable”.
- These national standards are to be replaced in future by the existing EU standard EN 13501-1, making it much easier for consumers to compare products.
- In Austria, decorative materials must be certified according to the Austrian standard ÖNORM B 3822 and ÖNORM A 3800 Part 1. This standard is even somewhat stricter than our DIN 4102 B1.
All products listed on our pages are marked according to the still valid German, Austrian and French standards and we can send you the valid fire protection certificate in case of order.
You can find the overview of standards worldwide here: Normen und Prüfverfahren weltweit – Tabelle. Stand 2021 – only in German language
Fire protection definition? Here you will find information.
Flame retardant? You can find information here.