Maya the Bee


Who does not know and love these stories about Maya the Bee and her friends.
Did you know that more than 100 years ago, these stories already delighted children and adults in the books of the writer Waldemar Bonsel. In his books Maya the Bee and Her Adventures (first published in 1912) and Sky People (first published in 1915), he processed his childhood experiences in the great outdoors around the Bredenbek pond in Ahrensburg, as well as (after moving to Schleißheim near Munich in 1910) his observations in the park of the Schleißheim castle complex. In the meantime, these two works have been translated into more than 40 languages.

The books have been the basis for movies, animated series, plays and musicals, and various audio formats – even a Biene-Maja stamp has been issued.


The Leonore Goldschmidt School in Hanover has also developed a play in 2022 freely based on the motifs of the novel by Waldemar Bonsels (from age 8):

Every year, the bees come again and diligently collect honey. But at the same time we hear that there are fewer and fewer bees and insects. And now a bee refuses to do its job and has its own plans for its life. What will become of the pollination of the flowers and the honey? For Maya the Bee and her friend Willi, a great adventure begins.

The play was performed by class 6a of the Leonore-Goldschmidt-Schule.


And we here at König Konzept were happy to help with our tissue paper to make the stage set fire-safe and colorful.


Be inspired by the children’s joy of playing and the scenery on the theater stage:



At this point, many thanks again to the game director Matthias Meyer, who provided us with the photo material for free use.


Here you can contact us if you want to realize your own ideas. We are looking forward to your requests!


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König Konzept: Schwer entflammbare Papiere, Papiersuchdienst, Produktion